

Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History, and Politics

The topical focus of this undertaking is the emergence and transformation of authority and trust in American politics, society, religion, and culture since the nineteenth century. Due to its early democratization, its egalitarian and libertarian political culture, its ethno-cultural heterogeneity, and its international predominance, the United States is a particularly interesting case study of authority and trust in the modern world. The thematic scope of the project encompasses state and private actors, social and economic structures, institutions and discourses as well as spatial dimensions and transnational interconnections. For the first time, the formidable expertise that the HCA has been able to gather from the fields of geography, history, linguistics, literature, political science, and religious studies is concentrating on a single issue in this project.

Cotton Mather's Biblia Americana: A Critical Edition of America’s First Bible Commentary

Professor Jan Stievermann and a team of young scholars from American Studies and theology are now working on volume ten (Hebrews to Revelation) in the ongoing edition of the Biblia Americana by Cotton Mather. Together with general editor Reiner Smolinski (Atlanta), Jan Stievermann also serves as executive editor of the entire ten-volume edition of the Biblia to be realized by a team of seven international scholars.

The original handwritten manuscript, never before transcribed or published, is a comprehensive English-speaking Bible commentary from colonial British North America, produced by the famed Puritan theologian Cotton Mather (1663-1728) between 1693 and 1728. Since 2010 this work—of great significance for both religious and intellectual history—is being made available for the first time by academic publishers Mohr Siebeck in what will ultimately be ten annotated volumes. In 2015 Stievermann and his team completed volume five that includes Mather's commentaries on the biblical books of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Editing the Biblia Americana in its entirety is unquestionably one of the most important and promising interdisciplinary projects now underway in early North American Studies. Researchers examining the cultural, religious, or literary history of America as well as Europe can equally profit from this academic edition of the Biblia.

In addition, Jan Stievermann's new monograph Prophecy, Piety, and the Problem of Historicity: Interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures in Cotton Mather's Biblia Americana (2016) offers the first comprehensive study of Mather's Old Testament exegesis. The descendant of an important Puritan clergy family of New England, Cotton Mather was one of the most influential and productive theologians in Colonial North America. He published more than four hundred writings, including a series of extensive and well-known works in various academic fields. Yet, he always regarded the Biblia as his most important endeavor and the summation of his lifework but failed to find either a wealthy patron or sufficient subscribers for the publication of his magnum opus. Today the 4,561 handwritten folio pages of the Biblia reside in the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS). While the Biblia manuscript is in good overall condition, its contents have not generally been accessible. Challenges include the early modern handwriting used, which is difficult to decipher; frequent comments on loose pages of paper inserted into the manuscript; the extensive number of citations in classical languages; or a lack of identification for the innumerable literary references. Over the past few years leading Mather expert Reiner Smolinski has brought together a seven-person team of scholars from the fields of American Studies, American history, church history, and religious studies who will now finally realize this mammoth undertaking. The target for completion of the entire edition is 2020.

(Re-)Translating Scripture in Early American Protestantism: A Comparative Study of Cotton Mather’s “Biblia Americana” and Radical Pietist Revisionings of the Bible

Sub-divided into two studies, to be conducted by Dr. Caitlin Smith and Dr. Benjamin Pietrenka, the project aims to conduct comparative, side-by-side studies of scriptural translations that various individual Protestant exegetes and groups from British North America undertook during the early and middle decades of the eighteenth century. We ask why, how, and with the use of which resources did these New World Bible translations challenge existing translations, specifically the widely predominant King James (KJV) and Luther Bibles? And in what ways did these revised translations reflect particular theologies (esp. millenarian and Philadelphian speculations) and support diverging identity formations in the intellectual cross-currents of the Enlightenment and the Protestant evangelical awakenings? The project has an interdisciplinary research design that brings together interests and methods of traditional church history/history of biblical interpretation with those of the history of “lived religion”-paradigm and early American cultural and literary studies. The other project will start in January 2022 and is titled: American Scriptures: Transformations of Scriptural Authority and the Canon in American Protestantism during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. It is part of the DFG research group De/Sakralisierung von Texten (FOR 2828) based at the University of Tübingen.

Naturkatastrophen in den USA

Der Nordamerikanische Kontinent und ganz besonders die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind mit einiger Regelmäßigkeit extremem Wetter und Naturkatastrophen ausgesetzt. Erdbeben, Dürre, Waldbrände, Stürme, Tornados, Hurricanes oder Überflutungen sind keine Seltenheit in den USA.

Doch obwohl sich die USA diesen Gegebenheiten stärker als die meisten anderen OECD Staaten ausgesetzt sehen, konnte das Land bisher keine effektive und nachhaltige Antwort auf die besonderen Herausforderungen finden, die durch Naturkatastrophen entstehen. Seit dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert sind Schäden und Todesfälle stetig angewachsen und immer mehr Menschen und deren Lebensstandard sind von extremen Naturereignissen bedroht. Im Forschungsschwerpunkt Naturkatastrophen in den USA beschäftigt sich das HCA im Besonderen mit den US-spezifischen Faktoren, die zu diesen immer weiter anwachsenden Schäden durch Naturkatastrophen führen. Neben dem Faktor Klimarisiken setzt der Forschungsschwerpunkt auf die Untersuchung von Wirtschafts- und Bevölkerungswachstum in den verschiedenen Regionen der USA, sowie Politikansätze im Bereich Schadensminderung und Disaster Risk Reduction. Außerdem soll die Rolle von Risikomanagement und Versicherungen, sowie ein Vergleich zwischen nordamerikanischen Entwicklungen und dem globalen Süden beleuchtet werden. Hinzukommen Überlegungen zu öffentlichen und politischen Diskursen zum Thema Naturkatastrophen, sowie die Wahrnehmungen von Risiken durch die Bevölkerung der USA.

Mitglieder des Forschungsschwerpunktes: Prof. Welf Werner, Natalie Rauscher

Kurt Klein und Gerda Weissmann-Klein: Jüdisches Exil in den Vereinigten Staaten

Seit 2020 ist das HCA Teil einer lokalen Initiative, die an das Schicksal der jüdischen Familie Klein aus Walldorf/Baden erinnert. Den drei Geschwistern Irmgard, Kurt und Max gelang in den ersten Jahren des Naziregimes die Emigration in die Vereinigten Staaten. Sie versuchten verzweifelt, aber erfolglos, die Auswanderung ihrer Eltern zu organisieren. Alice und Ludwig Klein wurden 1940 nach Gurs (Frankreich) deportiert und zwei Jahre später in Auschwitz ermordet. Kurt Klein (1920-2002) kehrte in den letzten Monaten des Zweiten Weltkriegs als „Ritchie Boy“ der U.S.-Armee nach Europa zurück. Am Ende des Krieges lernte er seine Frau Gerda Weissmann (1924-2022) kennen, eine jüdische Überlebende der Arbeitslager und Todesmärsche. Das Paar zog in die Vereinigten Staaten und widmete sein Leben der Aufklärung über den Holocaust, der Förderung von Toleranz und der gemeinnützigen Arbeit. Gerda Weissmann-Kleins Memoiren All but My Life (1957) wurden 1995 für den Kurzfilm One Survivor Remembers adaptiert, der mit einem Academy Award und einem Emmy Award ausgezeichnet wurde. Sie war Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats des United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, das ihre Geschichte in seiner Dauerausstellung dokumentiert. Im Jahr 2006 sprach sie anlässlich des ersten Internationalen Holocaust Gedenktages vor den Vereinten Nationen. Am 15. Februar 2011 überreichte Präsident Barack Obama Gerda Weissmann-Klein die Presidential Medal of Freedom, die höchste zivile Auszeichnung der Vereinigten Staaten.

Eine lokale Initiative in Walldorf plante ein Programm aus Lesungen, Filmen und Vorträgen anlässlich Kurt Kleins einhundertsten Geburtstag am 2. Juli 2020. Nach einer pandemiebedingt kleinen Veranstaltung fanden dann 2022 die Kurt Klein Tage statt, unter anderem mit einer Podiumsdiskussion am HCA. Das Projekt am HCA hat diese Initiative von Beginn an wissenschaftlich begleitet. Im Jahr 2023 erschein eine deutsche Neuausgabe von Gerdas Memoiren Nichts als das nackte Leben im Metropolverlag Berlin. Im Jahr 2024 stellten wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg eine digitale Ausgabe der Briefe von Ludwig und Alice Klein aus den Jahren 1936-1942 an ihre Kinder in den USA fertig. Wir freuen uns, dass die Familie Klein diese Projekte unterstützt und die Originalquellen zur Verfügung gestellt hat.

Re-Imagining the New Negro Renaissance: The Black Renaissance in Baltimore and Beyond

In her postdoctoral research project, Susana Rocha Teixeira uses Baltimore as a case study to explore the formation of (literary or artistic) recognition, canon formation, and reading and reception practices in the context of the New Negro Movement. Although the primary interest of this study lies on “serious” literature, the project also takes the significant production of lowbrow, middlebrow or popular culture during the New Negro era into consideration, which reshaped, and had a lasting impact on, notions of black identity and cultural production. The study is also interested in the black press, which often was a platform for discussing writers, artists, cultural products, and disseminating ideas about literary, artistic, and cultural values within and beyond the country.

Culture Wars - Kämpfe ums kulturelle Erbe

Im Jahr 2022 sind die Gesellschaften des Westens zerrissen wie nie. Polarisierung ist das Buzzword der Stunde. Politische Debatten werden dabei zunehmend entlang moralischer Gräben ausgetragen. Auf dem Spiel stehen Lebensentwürfe, Weltbilder und gesellschaftliche Ideen darüber, was das Gemeinwesen ausmacht und auf welchem kulturellen Erbe sich dieses gründet. Seien es Fragen gesellschaftlicher Identität und Vielfalt, der wirtschaftspolitischen Ausrichtung, der Gesundheits- oder Klimapolitik: Sogenannte Culture Wars bestimmen die öffentliche Debatte und werden zum Katalysator von kultureller Transformation und Umbruch. Wie jedoch kommt es zu solchen Transformationsprozessen? Welche gesellschaftlichen Faktoren und Bedingungen begünstigen deren Entstehen und Erfolg? Und wie verändern sich gesellschaftliche Kulturen und die Wahrnehmung kulturellen Erbes? Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmet sich das Forschungsteam um Ekkehard Felder, Sebastian Harnisch und Günter Leypoldt.

No Place for Trust: The Meaning of Home and Housing in Urban Development

Ulrike Gerhard and Judith Keller collaborate on this project on the meaning of home and housing. As living within cities becomes more and more unaffordable due to neoliberal policies and global market forces, displacement from and discrimination on the housing market shape the everyday realties of many urban residents. This often entails the loss of home for those who are not part of the creative class and international elites, resulting in an increasing fragmentation and disintegration of many American cities. Trust and solidarity do not only erode but are undermined by practices of un-homing such as evictions and forced displacements that lead to major urban restructuring and, at the same time, to increasing inequalities.

Unequal Access to Public Transportation and Restrictions on Equal Mobility

Hamid Abud Russell’s project at the Institute for Geography focuses on the present conditions of public transportation in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, the forces that have driven privatization, and its role in the construction and perpetuation of unequal development. The right to move as desired is hampered in cities where public transportation obeys the profit motive, and neglects mobility as a right. Bus routes evidence the restrictive range of motion available to workers, whose only journey is the repetitive path drawn to and from work. These restrictions limit the ability of all urban dwellers to have equal access to all aspects of their environment, it hampers their right to the city.

Migration Across the Americas

Migration is one of the most urgent issues describing the complex relations between the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean. This project by Ulrike Gerhard and Soledad Alvarez Velasco is interested in historicizing the geo-economic and geopolitical impact of these relations in the present and understanding how they have been determinant in the migratory dynamics across the continent. We also seek to comprehend how those relations explain growing social inequality across the continent and within cities, and how Latin Americans have recreated livelihood strategies, including survival economies and urban and cross-border care infrastructure within the US and beyond. This project emerged out of a joint collaboration between the Heidelberg Center of Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) and the Heidelberg Center of American Studies (HCA) and aims to establish an area studies focus on the Americas at Heidelberg University.

Das gespaltene Haus: Eine Geschichte der USA seit den 1960er Jahren

Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg galten die USA als Modell einer konsensorientierten „Civic Culture“, doch spätestens seit der Präsidentschaftswahl 2016 sehen zahlreiche Beobachter im In-und Ausland Amerika als Krisenfall der Demokratie. Konsens herrscht unter Amerikanern heute nur noch darüber, dass das Land heillos zerstritten ist. Mit diesem Buchprojekt richtet sich Manfred Berg an die interessierte deutschsprachige Öffentlichkeit und wird die politisch-ideologischen, sozialen, wirtschaftlichen, ethnischen und kulturellen Konflikte und Triebkräfte in den Blick nehmen, die Amerika seit den 1960er Jahren zu einem „gespaltenen Haus" gemacht haben, um ein berühmtes Wort Abraham Lincolns zu bemühen.

European Repository of Cyber Incidents (EuRepoC)

Sebastian Harnisch ist Mitglied dieses unabhängigen Forschungskonsortiums, das sich der evidenzbasierten wissenschaftlichen Analyse widmet und zu einem besseren Verständnis der Bedrohungslage durch Cyber-Vorfälle beitragen soll. Die öffentliche Bereitstellung von anwenderspezifischen, zuverlässigen Daten durch dieses interdisziplinäre Forschungsnetzwerk macht es zur Anlaufstelle für aktuelle Information zu Cyber-Vorfällen und relevanten Trends.

African American History: National and Transnational Vistas

The HCA's research focus on African American history unites several endeavors. In 2008, the HCA joined a research initiative with the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. and Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.) on "The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany." Initiated by Professors Maria Höhn (Vassar) and Martin Klimke (New York University/Abu Dhabi), this research project and digital archive explores the connection between the establishment of American military bases abroad and the advancement of civil rights in the United States. It investigates the role African American GIs played in carrying the demands of the civil rights movement abroad beginning with World War II.

In July 2009, the project was awarded the Julius E. Williams Distinguished Community Service Award by the prestigious civil rights organization National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) at its Centennial Convention in New York City. As the NAACP explained, "By giving voice to their experience and to that of the people who interacted with them over civil rights demands and racial discrimination on both sides of the Atlantic, Höhn and Klimke are preserving and expanding the history of the African American civil rights movement beyond the boundaries of the U.S." As part of this research initiative, an exhibition on "The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany," including more than fifty black and white photographs as well as other exhibition samples, was shown in numerous cities across both Germany and the United States, including Augsburg, Berlin, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Mainz, Munich, Ramstein, and Tübingen, as well as in Washington, D.C., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Berkeley, Calif., Oxford, Miss., San Francisco, Athens, Ga., Chapel Hill, N.C., as well as London, England. By illustrating the untold story of African American GIs and the transnational implications of the civil rights movement, the exhibit aims at advancing a more nuanced and multilayered sense of how America's struggle for democracy reverberated across the globe. The accompanying book A Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany by Maria Höhn and Martin Klimke was published by Palgrave Macmillan in October 2010 ( The documentary "Breath of Freedom: Black Soldiers and the Struggle for Civil Rights," directed by Dag Freyer and originating from the project, premiered February 17, 2014, on the Smithsonian Channel in the U.S. and was broadcast on Arte on December 16, 2014. A German edition of the book was published by transcript Verlag in 2016. 

Two projects at the Curt Engelhorn Chair in American History explored the history of slavery, race, abolitionism, black political integration, and the civil rights movements from a perspective that encompasses intersections with social, political, and cultural developments outside the United States. They seek to contribute to a deeper understanding not only of the enduring relevance of African-American history at a national level but also to place questions of ethnicity, race, and racism in a larger global and transnational framework. Publications from these projects include Globalizing Lynching History: Vigilantism and Extralegal Punishment from an International Perspective and Racism in the Modern World: Historical Perspectives on Cultural Transfer and Adaption (both eds. Manfred Berg and Simon Wendt, 2011).

In 2009, Martin Klimke and then-HCA research fellow Mischa Honeck co-convened a conference on Germany and the black diaspora at the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C. The conference volume Germany and the Black Diaspora: Points of Contact, 1250-1914, edited by Mischa Honeck, Martin Klimke and Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov, came out in 2013.

HCA research associate Anja Schüler has started work on a biography of the African-American biographer Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955), the preeminent figure of the African-American women's movement in the first third of the twentieth century. Utilizing one of the few roads for African American women to gain professional status, Bethune established and presided over what would in 1941 become the first fully accredited four-year college for African Americans in Florida; advised four presidents on child welfare, education, and civil rights; served two terms as president of the National Association of Colored Women; founded the National Council of Colored Women; and became a member of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Black Cabinet" and arguably the most influential African American woman in the New Deal administration.

Sustainable Governance Indicators 2018: Regional Coordination - United States, Canada, Chile and Mexico

HCA faculty member Dr. Martin Thunert continues to serve as regional coordinator (since 2007) for the OECD member states in the Americas (Canada, Chile, Mexico, United States) and affiliated member of the board of an ongoing international and comparative research project which is conducted and sponsored by the Bertelsmann Foundation in Gütersloh – the Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI). The SGI is a platform built on a cross-national survey of governance that identifies reform needs in forty-one Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and European Union (E.U.) countries. The SGI brings together a broad network of experts and practitioners aiming to understand what works best in sustainable governance. The SGI project offers full access to its data set and thus enables the comparisons that generate innovation in governance.

Some seventy international experts participate in this broad-based study. Based on 150 qualitative and quantitative indicators, the SGI provide a detailed picture of the countries' strengths and limitations in order to advance the debate on good governance and sustainable policymaking among OECD members. The SGI thus provide considerably more information than conventional economic data since social progress and sustainability cannot be expressed by growth rates or material prosperity alone. They also shed light on the success of OECD member states in additional policymaking fields crucial for ensuring the ongoing performance and long-term stability of economic, political, social, and ecological systems and for guaranteeing a high level of social participation. These fields include education, employment, healthcare, integration, innovation, and the environment. In addition to these traditional policymaking fields, the SGI also examine the quality of democracy and rule of law as well as each government's executive capacity in practice. The SGI and its sub-indexes are calculated using quantitative data from international organizations and then supplemented by qualitative assessments from recognized country experts.

As a result, the SGI shed light on how capable each country is of using governance processes to identify pressing problems, formulate strategic solutions, and, consequently, ensure sustainable policymaking outcomes. Over the past nine years the project has helped to create a comprehensive data pool on government-related activities in the world's developed market democracies – among them the United States, Canada, Chile, and Mexico. The role of the regional coordinator for the Americas is to edit, amend, and consolidate expert assessments written by eight recognized country specialists – two for each country, representing at least two academic disciplines (for example economics and political science) or two nationalities, including the subject nation. The results are four separate country reports of 30-40 pages each on reform capacities of the United States, Canada, Chile, and Mexico, incorporating quantitative data interpreted through the lenses of the qualitative expert assessments.

The results of the latest SGI round were released as Sustainable Governance Indicators 2018 in October of 2018. As always, the entire data, rankings, and sub-rankings for each policy area as well as the country reports are accessible online free of charge on the project's website. Based on its highly interactive functionality, the SGI website offers users easy access to every level of information, including a short version of key findings.

SGI was covered extensively, for example in a series of the German news magazine Der Spiegel in the summer of 2012 (editions 26/2012-29/2012) entitled "The Craft of Governing" ("Das Handwerk des Herrschens"). The series singled out "good governance" as the central topic for policymakers and civil servants in time of economic and financial crisis. In its introductory article, Der Spiegel described the Sustainable Governance Indicators and its sister project BTI as the "most ambitious experience in comparative politics since Aristotle's time." Current SGI News is available on Facebook. In the spring of 2018 the board of the Bertelsmann Foundation decided to fully fund the project for another four years. Therefore, the next round of SGI 2019 expert assessments was launched in fall 2018.