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Richard Julius Lange

Doctoral Candidate


Heidelberg Center for American Studies
Hauptstr. 120
69117 Heidelberg
Email: rlange@hca.uni-heidelberg.de  

Portrait von Richard Julius Lange


Richard Lange studied history, political science, and international relations at the universities of Heidelberg, Durham, and Leiden.

Project Working Title

How Distrust in Europe Changed American Global Authority. Anti-Europeanism and EU-criticism in United States Foreign Policy after the Cold War

Project Description

In his PhD project, Richard Lange aims for a historical analysis of causes, forms; and consequences of post-Cold War Euro-criticism and anti-Europeanism in the United States. Thereby, he explores how critical perceptions of Europe changed transatlantic trust relations contributed to American exceptionalism and transformed the international authority of the United States at the turn of the millennium and up until today.