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Dr. Claudia Jetter

Postdoctoral Research Associate


English Department
Kettengasse 12
69117 Heidelberg
E-Mail: claudia.jetter@as.uni-heidelberg.de

Office Hours

By appointment

Areas of Specialization

  • American Religious History (esp. Early Mormonism, Nineteenth-Century Methodism)
  • Digital Religion
  • Religion & Gender
  • Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
  • R.W. Emerson and Transcendentalism

Education and Employment

Since 10/2024: Postdoc in the DFG research training group “Authority and Trust,” HCA
04/2024-10/2024: Research Associate, English Department, University of Heidelberg
2021–2023: Academic Advisor at the EKD Institute for Research on Contemporary Religious and Ideological Issues (EZW), Berlin
2022: Dr. Phil. in Theology, University of Heidelberg
2017–2021: Doctoral Candidate in the DFG research training group “Authority and Trust” at the HCA 
2016: 1. Staatsexamen, English and Theology, University of Heidelberg

Selected Publications

New Sacred Writing and Charisma: The Transformation of Religious Authority in Nineteenth-Century America. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2025.
“Spiritual Influencers – New Forms of Authorization in the Digital Age?” Religion & Development, Special Issue/Digital Religion, (2024), pp 1-21.
“Purity Culture,“ Zeitschrift für Religion und Weltanschauung, 86/4 (2023), pp 302-310.
“Das Phänomen Christfluencing: Zwischen Glaubensvermittlung und Lifestyle,” Zeitschrift für Religion und Weltanschauung, 86/3 (2023), pp 159-171.
“Neugeist/New Thought,“ Zeitschrift für Religion und Weltanschauung, 86/1/ (2023), pp 57-63.
“Promoting the Methodist Woman Preacher: Phoebe Palmer’s Concept of ‘Female Prophesying’ and the Question of Spiritual Authority,” Wesley and Methodist Studies, 14/1 (2022), pp 50-71.
“’We believe that we have a right to revelations, visions, and dreams from God’: Joseph Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Transformation of Religious Authority in the Antebellum Period,” with Jan Stievermann, in: Manfred Berg and Günter Leypoldt (eds.), Authority and Trust. Bielefeld: transcript, 2021, pp 167-190.
“Continuing Revelation and Institutionalisation: Joseph Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Charismatic Leadership in Antebellum America,” in: Studies in Church History, 57 (2021), pp 233-253.