Veröffentlichungen 2021
Kristin Berberich (GKAT)
- Discursive Construction of Neighborhood Across Brooklyn: A Corpus Ethnographic Approach. (Heidelberg University Library: Heidelberg, 2021).
- “’Boston Strong’.” in Language in Place: Linguistic Approaches to Literature, ed. Daniela F. Virdis, Elisabetta Zurru, and Ernestine Lahey. (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2021), 148–66.
- With Claudia Jetter & Maren Schäfer, “‘The Woman Who Knows Who She Is’: Conservative Motherhood and the Politics of the ‘Home’.” HCA Graduate Blog, February 2021.
Manfred Berg (HCA and History Department)
- “Ziemlich beste Freunde - Ziemlich beste Feinde: Ein historischer Blick auf die deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft,” Ruperto Carola Forschungsmagazin 17 (2021), 115-21.
- “‘Freiheit für die Meinungen, die wir hassen‘. Seit 1791 schützt die Verfassung der USA die freie Rede. Trotzdem muss das Grundrecht immer wieder politisch und juristisch neu erkämpft werden – bis heute," ZEIT Geschichte: Zensiert. Die Geschichte der Meinungsfreiheit. Vom Mittelalter bis heute 2 (2021), 52-57.
- Ed. with Günter Leypoldt, Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021).
- “The Decline of Political Trust and the Rise of Populism in the United States,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives, ed. Günter Leypoldt und Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021), 37-59.
- “Populismus als Konstante der Politischen Kultur,” in Länderbericht USA, ed. Andrew Denison, Georg Schild und Miriam Shabafrouz (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2021), 142-150.
- “Jenseits von Law and Order: Ist die Republikanische Partei noch zu retten? Eine kurze Geschichte vom Aufstieg und Fall des amerikanischen Konservatismus.“ Die ZEIT 15 (2021), 19.
- “Von Andrew Jackson zu Donald Trump: Zur Kontinuität des Populismus in der Geschichte der USA.” Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Jahrbuch 2020 (2021), 19-21.
Gordon Friedrichs (GKAT)
- “Polarized we trade? Intra-Party Polarization and U.S. trade policy.” International Politics. Special Issue “Domestic Polarization and U.S. Foreign Policy” by Gordon Friedrichs and Jordan Tama (2021), online.
- With Jordan Tama: “Polarization and U.S. Foreign Policy: Key Debates and New Findings.” International Politics. Special Issue “Domestic Polarization and U.S. Foreign Policy” (2021), online.
- “Protectionism First: Trumpscher Populismus und die internationale liberale Wirtschaftsordnung,” in Weltmacht und Demokratie - Die USA nach der Ära Trump: Festschrift für Jürgen Wilzewski, ed. Florian Böller, Steffen Hagemann, Marcus Müller, and Lukas Herr (Kaiserslautern, 2021).
- “Leading by example or extortion? U.S. leadership role transition under the Trump administration,” in A Hegemonic Transition? Reconfigurations of Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump, ed. Florian Böller and Welf Werner (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 125-146.
Ulrike Gerhard (HCA and Institute for Geography)
- With Judith Keller and Cosima Werner: “Trust and the City: Analyzing Trust from a Socio-Spatial Perspective,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society. Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives, ed. Günter Leypoldt & Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021), 111-134.
- With Judith Keller: “Die ungleichen Staaten von Amerika. Reflektionen aus humangeographischer Perspektive,” Praxis Geographie 10 (2021), 4-9.
- With Eva Bund: "The Role of Institutional and Structural Differences for City-Specific Arrangements of Urban Migration Regimes,” Urban Planning 6:2 (2021), 68-79.
- With Friederike Reents and Andre Buth: “Kippen, Sich Einrichten und Deuten: Geokritische Poetiken des Anthropozän in interdisziplinärer Lesart,” in Anthropozäne Literatur: Poetiken – Themen – Lektüren, ed. G. Dürbeck, S. Probst, and C. Schaub (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2021).
- “Long Distance und doch ganz nah: Möglichkeiten einer Vorlesung in Zeiten von Online Teaching,” in Prinzipien, Strukturen und Praktiken geographischer Hochschullehre, ed. Wintzer, J.; Mossig, I. & Hof, A. (Bern: utb, 2021).
- With Editha Marquardt: “‘Town and Gown‘: Reallabore als Experimentierfeld kritischer Transformationsforschung in der urbanen Gesellschaft,” WiTi-Berichte 8 (2021).
- With Editha Marquardt: “Good Practice in der Zusammenarbeit von Stadt und Wissenschaft. Hochschule und Stadt. Wissensallianzen in Rheinland-Pfalz,” ZIRP Zukunftsinitiative Rheinland-Pfalz (2021), 18-25.
- With U. Hoelscher & E. Marquardt: “Knowledge Society, Educational Attainment and the Unequal City: A Socio-spatial Perspective,” in The Role of Socio-environmental Settings for Learning and Educational Attainment. Knowledge and Space, ed. T. Freytag, D.L. Lauen & S.L. Robertson. (Springer, 2021), 7-31.
Aylin Güngör (GKAT)
“Entertainment, Politics, and Power: Georgia’s Creative Industries in Light of the New Voting Law,” HCA Graduate Blog, November 2021.
Claudia Jetter (GKAT)
- With Kristin Berberich and Maren Schäfer, “‘The Woman Who Knows Who She Is’: Conservative Motherhood and the Politics of the ‘Home,’” HCA Graduate Blog, February 2021.
- “Continuing Revelation and Institutionalisation: Joseph Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Charismatic Leadership in Antebellum America.” Studies in Church History 57 (2021), 233-253.
Detlef Junker (HCA)
Deutschland und die USA 1871-2021. (Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2021).
Judith Keller (HCA)
- With Hamid Abud Russell, ”’Many producers, many protectors!’ Geographical Reflections on Resilient Intercultural Economies in North-West Campeche, Mexico,” in Why Latin America Matters. A Collection of Essays, ed. Soledad Garcia Ferrari, Hans Egil Offerdal, & Marta Alicja Kania (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021), 94-111.
- With Ulrike Gerhard, “Die ungleichen Staaten von Amerika: Reflexionen aus humangeographischer Perspektive,” Praxis Geographie 10 (2021), 4-9.
- With Lauren Rever, “Falling into the Crevice: COVID-19 Pandemic Puts Spotlight on Housing Disparities in the U.S. Capital,” HCA Graduate Blog, April 2021.
- With Ulrike Gerhard & Cosima Werner, “Trust and the City: Analyzing Trust from a Socio-Spatial Perspective,” in Authority and Trust in UD Culture and Society. Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives, ed. Günter Leypoldt and Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021), 111-134.
- “Unsichtbare Frauen? Annäherungen an einen Geographieunterricht aus feministischer Perspektive,” in Feministische Pädagogik und Unterricht, ed. Frederik Durczok (Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2021), 111-124.
- “Das Andere verstehen lernen. Ästhetische Bildung im fremdsprachlichen Literaturunterricht,” in Feministische Pädagogik und Unterricht, ed. Frederik Durczok (Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag, 2021), 73-86.
- “Forschungsprojekt zur amerikanischen Wohnraumkrise: ein Fallbeispiel aus der Hauptstadt Washington, D.C.,” HGG-Journal 34 (2021), 105-107.
- With P. Schulz: “Jeder ist sich selbst der Nächste? Geographische Reflexionen zur Veränderung von Nachbarschaft und Zuhause in Zeiten der Corona-Krise.” Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 94 (4) (2021), 300-16.
Günter Leypoldt (HCA and English Department)
- “‘Sacred Calling’ in Nineteenth-Century Authorship: Wordsworth, Emerson, Thackeray.” ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 67:3-4 (2021), 645-83.
- “Professional Countercultures: Network Effects in the Long Nineteenth Century (Weimar, Paris, Grasmere, Boston),” Symbiosis: Transatlantic Literary & Cultural Relations 25:1 (2021), 21-50.
- Ed. with Manfred Berg, Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021).
- “Introduction: Authority and Trust in the United States,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society, ed. Günter Leypoldt and Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021), 9-36.
- “Shoppers, Worshippers, Culture Warriors: Reading and the Hermeneutics of Trust,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society, ed. Günter Leypoldt and Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021), 245-276.
Philipp Löffler (HCA and English Department)
- “‘The Best Battlefield Scene of All Times:’ The Feeling of History and the Problem of Realism,” in Rhetoric of Evidence. Epistemic Models and Rhetorical Practice in Science, Education, and Culture, ed. Olaf Kramer (Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2021), 338-363.
- “Of Apes and Children: Communication, Interdisciplinarity, and Michael Tomasello’s Why We Cooperate (2009),” in Culture2: Key Works of the 21st Century, ed. Frank Kelleter and Alexander Starre (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021), 245-260.
- “Authorship as Profession and the Uses of Genre in Antebellum America,” in Handbook of American Romanticism, ed. Philipp Löffler, Clemens Spahr and Jan Stievermann (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021), 229-248.
- “Introduction: American Romanticism in Context,” in Handbook of American Romanticism, ed. Philipp Löffler, Clemens Spahr and Jan Stievermann (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021), 1-8.
Valentina López-Liendo (GKAT)
"Reading Colson Whitehead," HCA Graduate Blog, February 2021.
Benjamin Pietrenka (HCA)
- “Bloody Bodies: Embodied Moravian Piety in Atlantic World Travel Diaries, 1735-1765.” in Bodies in Early Modern Religious Dissent, ed. Elisabeth Fischer & Xenia von Tippelskirch. (New York: Routledge, 2021).
Natalie Rauscher (HCA)
- The Future of Work in the United States: Discourses on Automation and the Platform Economy. (Springer International Publishing: Cham, Schweiz, 2021).
- With Maren Schäfer, “Leveling the Playing Field – Kommunikationsstrategien und Ungleichheitsnarrative des linken Diskurses im Umfeld der Demokratischen Partei der USA.” Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Special Issue: Narrative ökonomischer Ungleichheit (2021).
Lauren Rever (GKAT)
- „Working on the History of the January 6th Capitol Attack,“ HCA Graduate Blog, June 2021.
- With Judith Keller, “Falling into the Crevice: COVID-19 Pandemic Puts Spotlight on Housing Disparities in the U.S. Capital,” HCA Graduate Blog, April 2021.
Maren Schäfer (HCA)
- With Natalie Rauscher, “Leveling the Playing Field: Kommunikationsstrategien und Ungleichheitsnarrative des linken Diskurses im Umfeld der Demokratischen Partei der USA.“ Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Special Issue: Narrative ökonomischer Ungleichheit (2021).
- “The Shifting Narrative of (Un-)Patriotic Justices in Trump’s Twitter Discourse.“ Populism Specialist Group - Newsletter 3 (2021).
Dietmar Schloss (HCA and English Department)
- “The Trust Debate in the Literature of the American Renaissance,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society, Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives, ed. Günter Leypoldt and Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2021), 191-222.
- “Civilization and Its Discontents: Reading Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club with Norbert Elias,” in Reading the Social in American Studies, ed. Astrid Franke, Stefanie Mueller, and Katja Sarkowsky (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 27 pp.
- “David Eggers’ Roman The Circle: Die Krise der Demokratie im Zeitalter des Internets und der Sozialen Medien.” in Krise(n) der Moderne: Literatur und Zeitdiagnostik, ed. Klaus Kempter & Martina Engelbrecht (Heidelberg: Winter, 2021), 437-49.
Aline Schmidt (GKAT)
With Kristin Berberich, Claudia Jetter, and Maren Schäfer, “‘The Woman Who Knows Who She Is’: Conservative Motherhood and the Politics of the ‘Home,’” HCA Graduate Blog, February 2021.
Anja Schüler (HCA)
- Ed., with Welf Werner, HCA Podcast “Corona in den USA,” Episodes 1-38, (Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 2020-2021).
- Ed. with Welf Werner, HCA Podcast “Quo Vadis USA?,” Episodes 39-58, (Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 2021).
Tim Sommer (GKAT)
- Carlyle, Emerson and the Transatlantic Uses of Authority: Literature, Print, Performance. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
- “Transatlantic Literary Authority: Material Networks, Symbolic Economies,” Symbiosis: Transatlantic Literary & Cultural Relations 25:1 (2021).
- “Introduction: Transatlantic Literary Authority between the Material and the Symbolic,” Symbiosis: Transatlantic Literary & Cultural Relations 25:1 (2021), 7–20.
- “Material Exchange, Symbolic Recognition: Weltliteratur as Discourse and Practice in Goethe, Carlyle, and Emerson,” Publications of the English Goethe Society 90:1 (2021), 53–71.
- “Transatlantic Exchanges and the Shifting ‘Geography of the Word’: Two New Letters from Emerson to Carlyle,” New England Quarterly 94:2 (2021), 265–281.
- “Cultural (Inter-)Nationalism: Orestes Brownson and the World Republic of Letters,” ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture 67:1 (2021), 535–571.
- “Embedded Authorship: Thomas Carlyle, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Nineteenth-Century ‘Transatlantic Bibliopoly,’” Book History 24:2 (2021), 349–377.
Jan Stievermann (HCA and Faculty of Theology)
- “Patrick Roths Starlite Terrace als postsäkulare Erzählliteratur,” in Krise(n) der Moderne: Über Literatur und Zeitdiagnostik, ed. Klaus Kempter & Martina Engelbrecht (Heidelberg: Winter, 2021), 411-425.
- With Claudia Jetter, “We believe that we have a right to revelations, visions, and dreams from God: Joseph Smith, Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Transformation of Religious Authority in the Antebellum Period,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives, ed. Günter Leypoldt & Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2021), 167-191.
- “Religion and Literature,” in Handbook of American Romanticism, ed. Philipp Löffler, Clemens Spahr & Jan Stievermann (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021), 81-118.
- Edited with Philipp Löffler and Clemens Spahr, Handbook of American Romanticism (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021).
- “Die britischen Nordamerikakolonien als Experimentierfeld von Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit: Zwischen Staatsräson und radikalem Protestantismus,” in Hier stehe ich: Gewissen und Protest - 1521 bis 2021, ed. Thomas Kaufmann & Katharina Kunter (Worms: Worms Verlag, 2021), 369-85.
- “Jonathan Edwards, American Evangelicalism, and the Prussian Erweckungsbewegung, ca. 1815-1850,” in Jonathan Edwards and Germany, ed. Rhys Bezzant (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021), 167-188.
- “Emersonian Transcendentalism and the Invention of Religion(s) in the Nineteenth Century.” ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance. Special Issue: Re-Transcendentalizing American Transcendentalism 67 (2021), 591-628.
- Edited with Daniel Malachuk and Laura Dassow Walls, Special Issue of ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance: Re-Transcendentalizing American Transcendentalism 67 (2021).
Martin Thunert (HCA)
- “Von Trump zu Biden: Kehrtwende mit Fragezeichen,” ifo Schnelldienst 74:1 (2021), 22-25.
- “Donald J. Trump (2017- 2021): Die beispiellose Präsidentschaft,” in Die Präsidenten der USA. Historische Porträts von George Washington bis Joe Biden, ed. Christof Mauch (München: C.H. Beck, 2021), 498-521.
- “Joe Biden (2021- ): Die Insider-Präsidentschaft?” in Die Präsidenten der USA. Historische Porträts von George Washington bis Joe Biden, ed. Christof Mauch (München: C.H. Beck, 2021), 522-531.
- “Von Trump zu Biden: Wohin gehen die USA nach der Anti-Trump Wahl vom 3. November 2020?” Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik (GWP) 70:1 (2021), 49-59.
- With Katja Sarkowsky and Doris Eibl, “Editorial,” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 41 (2021), 6-9.
- “Waning Trust in (Scientific) Experts and Expertise? Recent Evidence from the United States and Elsewhere,” in Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society, ed. Günter Leypoldt & Manfred Berg (Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021), 61-86.
- With Daniel Béland and Christian Lammert, Country Report United States, Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19-Crisis. (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2021), available at:
. - With Fabian Klein and Claudia Zilla, Country Report Chile, Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19-Crisis. (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2021), available at:
. - With Wolfgang Muno and Jörg Faust, Country Report Mexico, Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19-Crisis. (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2021), available at:
. - With Lindsay Tedds and Andrew Sharpe, Country Report Canada, Sustainable Governance in the Context of the COVID-19-Crisis. (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2021), available at:
. - „Von der Komfortzone in vermintes Gelände. Die Biden-Präsidentschaft im ersten Jahr schlingert und irritiert.“ Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik (GWP) 70:4 (2021), 561-562.
Welf Werner (HCA)
- Ed., with Anja Schüler, HCA Podcast “Corona in den USA,” Episodes 1-38, (Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 2020-2021).
- Ed. with Florian Böller, Hegemonic Transition. Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump (London: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations, 2021).
- With Florian Böller, “Global Order and Hegemony in the Age of Trump,” in Hegemonic Transition. Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump, ed. with Florian Böller (London: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations, 2021), 1-18.
- With Florian Böller, “Conclusion: A Hegemonic Transition?” in Hegemonic Transition. Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump, ed. with Florian Böller (London: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations, 2021), 281-292.
- With Christian Lammert, “Broken Social Contract: The Domestic Roots of US Hegemonic Decline in the World,” in Hegemonic Transition. Global Economic and Security Orders in the Age of Trump, ed. with Florian Böller (London: Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in International Relations, 2021), 43-65.
- Ed. with Anja Schüler, HCA Podcast “Quo Vadis USA?” Episodes 39-58, (Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 2021).