Veröffentlichungen 2019
Kristin Berberich (GKAT)
- “Review of Paterson, Laura L. and Ian Gregory. 2018. Representations of Poverty and Place: Using Geographical Text Analysis to Understand Discourse. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,” International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24:4 (2019): 548-553.
- “The Next Battle of Brooklyn: Keeping Bikers Safe in the City,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
- “Unearthing Brooklyn’s Queer History,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
- “What graduates can learn from reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
Manfred Berg (HCA and History Department)
- „‘Ironie des Schicksals:‘ Woodrow Wilson und der amerikanische Eintritt in den Ersten Weltkrieg,“ in Kriegerische Tauben: Liberale und Linksliberale Interventionisten vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, ed. Jürgen Peter Schmied (Bonn: V & R unipress, 2019), 103-120.
- „Prediger des gerechten Friedens. U.S.-Präsident Woodrow Wilson will eine neue, liberale Weltordnung begründen, in die auch Deutschland eingebunden wird. Er scheitert an der Machtpolitik der Europäer und an sich selbst,“ in 1919. Der Vertrag von Versailles und warum er keinen Frieden brachte, ZEIT Geschichte 1 (2019), 34-41.
- „Besonders teuer sind junge Afrikanerinnen. Vor 400 Jahren werden in der britischen Kolonie Virginia erstmals Menschen verkauft – der Anfang der Sklaverei in Nordamerika,“ Die ZEIT 35 (2019): 16.
Florian Böller (HCA)
- With Lukas D. Herr, “From Washington without Love: Congressional Foreign Policy Making and U.S.-Russian Relations under President Trump,” Contemporary Politics (2019).
- „Absage an die wertegebundene Führungsrolle? Die USA, die NATO und die transatlantische Sicherheitsgemeinschaft in der Ära Trump,“ in Weltmacht im Abseits. Amerikanische Außenpolitik in der Ära Donald Trump, ed. Lukas D. Herr, Marcus Müller, Anja Opitz, and Jürgen Wilzewski (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019), 313-340.
- With Georg Wenzelburger, “Bomb or Build? How Party Ideologies Affect the Balance of Foreign Aid and Defence Spending,” British Journal of Politics and International Relations, (2019).
Gordon Friedrichs (GKAT)
- With Sebastian Harnisch and Cameron Thies, The Politics of Resilience and Transtatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? (New York: Routledge, 2019).
- “From Factions to Fractions: India’s Foreign Policy Roles across Different Party Systems,” India Review 18:2 (2019): 125-160.
- “Theorizing Transatlantic Crisis Resilience: An Introduction,” in The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 1-17.
- “A New Grand Bargain? Trumpian Populism and Shifts in Liberal Economic Order,” in The Politics of Transatlantic Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 203-220.
- With Dorata Stasiak and Martin Thunert, Muster der Politikberatung: Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung in Deutschland und den USA im Vergleich (Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler Foundation, 2019).
- With Sebastian Harnisch, “Shrinking the U.S. Leadership Role: Populism and the Change of Domestic and International ‘Others’,” in National Role Conceptions in a New Millenium: Defining a Place in a Changing World, ed. Michael Grossman and Francis Schortgen (2019).
Ulrike Gerhard (HCA and Institute for Geography)
- “Mega Cities or Slumdog Cities? The Challenges of Doing Comparative Urban Research in Global Urban Society?” Geographische Zeitschrift 107:3 (2019): 188-208.
- With Editha Marquardt, „’Barcamp adapted’ – gemeinsam zu neuem Wissen,“ in Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen, Band 2, ed. R. Delfia and A. Di Giulio (Wiesbaden: Springer Vs, 2019), 237-257.
- „Metropolen, Global Cities,“ in Handwörterbuch der Stadt- und Raumentwicklung, (Hannover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, 2019), 1499-1503.
- “Creative Class Culture,” in The International Encyclopedia of Geography, ed. Douglas Richardson et al. (New York: Wiley, 2019).
- With Judith Keller. „‘My home is my castle‘ - über die Rolle von Vertrauen im Wohnungsbau. Ein Blick auf US-amerikanische Städte,“ Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, 6 (2019): 300-304.
Sebastian Harnisch (Institute for Political Science)
- „Internationale Führung und ihre Kontestation. Zur Dynamik der außenpolitischen Rolle der Bundesrepublik in Europa,“ in Zivilmacht Bundesrepublik? Bundesdeutsche außenpolitische Rollen vor und nach 1989 aus politik- und geschichtswissenschaftlicher Perspektive, ed. Klaus Brummer and Friedrich Kießling (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2019).
- “Iran and European Union Politics,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics (Oxford University Press, 2019).
- Ed. with Gordon Friedrichs and Cameron Thies, The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? (New York: Routledge, 2019).
- With Cameron Thies and Gordon Friedrichs, “Theorizing Transatlantic Crisis and Resilience: An Introduction,” in The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 1-17.
- With Serena Simoni, “New Politics of Burden-Sharing in NATO? Crisis, Conflict and Resilience in an Era of Populism,” in The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 71-89.
- “Preventing Crisis Militarization: The European Union, the United States, and the Iranian Nuclear Program,” in The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 90-107.
- With Cameron Thies and Gordon Friedrichs, “The Logic of Crisis Resilience in Transatlantic Relations,” in The Politics of Resilience and Transatlantic Order: Enduring Crisis? ed. Gordon Friedrichs et al. (New York: Routledge, 2019), 221-236.
- Ed. with Klaus Brummer, Kai Oppermann and Diana Panke, Foreign Policy as Public Policy? Promises and Pitfalls (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019).
- With Klaus Brummer, Kai Oppermann and Diana Panke, “Introduction: Foreign Policy as Public Policy,” Foreign Policy as Public Policy? Promises and Pitfalls, ed. Klaus Brummer et al. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019), 1-20.
- “Policy learning in public policy studies: toward a dialogue with foreign policy analysis,” in Foreign policy as public policy? Promises and pitfalls, ed. Klaus Brummer et al. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019).
Philipp Löffler (HCA and English Department)
- “Consequences of Academic Reading? Professionalism, Critique, and the Public Humanities,” in American Counter/Publics, ed. Ulla Haselstein, Frank Kelleter, Alexander Starre and Birte Wege (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2019), 379-397.
- “The Sociology and Institutions of Contemporary American Fiction,” in The American Novel in the 21st Century: Cultural Contexts – Literary Developments – Critical Analyses, ed. Michael Basseler and Ansgar Nünning (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2019), 37-55.
Margit Peterfy (GKAT and English Department)
- "Walt Whitman and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: The Hieroglyphics of Expression,” in Revisiting Walt Whitman, ed. Winfried Herget (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2019), 39-54.
Aleksandra Polińska (GKAT)
- “Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Really a ‘Perfect Foil for the Pro-Trump Media’? – A Word on the American Media Landscape,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
Natalie Rauscher (HCA)
- “Future Unknown: How Digital Technologies and the ‘Future of Work’ Are Unsettling America,” in Mobilization, Representation, and Responsiveness in the American Democracy, ed. Michael Oswald (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 175-189.
- “Welcome to Uber-Land – The Ride-hailing Giant from California and Why It’s not Coming to Germany Any Time Soon,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
- “Economics Month Pt. III – John Komlos on these ‘Not Normal Times’,” HCA Graduate Blog (2019).
- “The Land of Opportunity … no more? Declining social mobility and the potential of community college education in the U.S,” HCA Graduate Blog, December 2019.
Anne Sommer (HCA)
- „Niccolò Machiavelli, Discorsi. Tugend und Republik,“ in Italienische Texte zur politischen Theorie – Von Dante bis Agamben, Münchener Italienstudien, ed. Cordula Reichart (München: Utz, 2019), 81-92.
- „Ugo Foscolo, Von dem Ursprung und der Aufgabe der Literatur. Literatur und Patriotismus,“ in Italienische Texte zur politischen Theorie – Von Dante bis Agamben, Münchener Italienstudien, ed. Cordula Reichart (München: Utz, 2019), 189-201.
- „Alessandro Manzoni, März 1821. Einheit, Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit,“ in Italienische Texte zur politischen Theorie – Von Dante bis Agamben, Münchener Italienstudien, ed. Cordula Reichart (München: Utz, 2019), 203-214.
Tim Sommer (GKAT)
- “Carlyle, Charles Robson, and the Printing of Latter-Day Pamphlets,” Notes and Queries 66:2 (2019): 296–300.
- “Transatlantic Endorsement, Metatextual Patronage: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Review(s) of Thomas Carlyle’s The French Revolution,” Carlyle Studies Annual 33 (2018/2019): 107–23.
Jan Stievermann (HCA and Faculty of Theology)
- Ed. with Isabell Klaiber and Oliver Scheiding. Simplify, Simplify! Brevity, Plainness and Their Complications in American Literature and Culture: Festschrift for Bernd Engler on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2019).
- “Elements of the Fantastic in the Short Fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt.” In Simplify,Ssimplify! Brevity, Plainness and Their Complications in American Literature and Culture: Festschrift for Bernd Engler on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. Isabell Klaiber, Oliver Scheiding, and Jan Stievermann (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2019), 103-124.
Martin Thunert (HCA)
- With Svenja Falk, Manuela Glaab, Andrea Römmele and Henrik Schober, Handbuch Politikberatung 2nd edition (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019).
- „Politikberatung – eine Einführung. Kontexte, Begriffsdimensionen, Forschungsstand, Themenfelder,“ in Handbuch Politikberatung 2nd edition, ed. Svenja Falk et al. (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019), 3-24.
- „Politikberatung in Großbritannien,“ in Handbuch Politikberatung 2nd edition, ed. Svenja Falk et al. (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2019), 473-488.
- With Anke Kessler and Andrew Sharpe, Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2019 Canada Report (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019).
- With Fabian Klein, Edgar von Knebel, and Claudia Zilla, Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2019 Chile Report (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019).
- With Jörg Faust and Wolfgang Muno, Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2019 Mexico Report (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019).
- With Paul J. Quirk and Christian Lammert, Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2019 United States Report (Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2019).
- With Gordon Friedrichs and Dorota Stasiak, Muster der Politikberatung: Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung in Deutschland und den USA im Vergleich (Patterns of Economic Policy Advice in Germany and the United States: Organizational Models, Cultural Influences, and Advisory Discourses, with a Particular Emphasis on the World of Work) (Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler Foundation, 2019).
Welf Werner (HCA)
- „Nullsummenspiel? Donald Trump und die Kostenvorteile,“ in Forschungsmagazin der Ruperto Carola 14 (2019): 138-147.
- With Susan Neiman and Josef Braml, „‘Im Zeichen der Freiheit‘, America first! – Trumps Präsidentschaft: Was bringt sie seinem Land und der Welt? Podiumsveranstaltung in der Aula der Universität Osnabrück am 6. Dezember 2018,“ in Osnabrücker Jahrbuch Frieden und Wissenschaft 26 (2019), 101-129.
- “The Trump Phenomenon: Economic Causes and Remedies, Inaugural Lecture” in Annual Report 2018-19 (Heidelberg: Heidelberg Center for American Studies, 2019).