Dr. Judith Keller

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Geographisches Institut
Berliner Straße 48
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 6221 545593
E-mail: judith.keller@uni-heidelberg.de

Office Hours

Tuesday, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Institute for Geography, room 015

Portrait of Judith Keller

Areas of Specialization

  • home and housing
  • urban real estate markets 
  • urban inequalities
  • North American cities
  • social movements and urban activism

Education and Employment

2024: Postdoc in the Research Training Group „Authority and Trust” 
2023: Dr. Phil., University of Heidelberg
2020/21 Visiting Researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2019 State Exam, University of Heidelberg
Studied geography and English Studies at the University of Heidelberg and Heidelberg University in Tiffin,Ohio

Selected Publications

The US Housing Crisis: Home and Trust in the Real Estate Economy. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

“Let’s Talk About Emotional Labor: Some Reflections From the Field,” with C. Pierce, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2023 (online first).

 “No Place for Trust: The Significance of Trust in Housing Development,” with U. Gerhard, Urban Geography, 44 (4), 2023, pp 618-639.

A Conversation About Assuming Responsibilities,” with A. Morlock, Radical Housing Journal, 4 (2), 2022, pp 193-202.

“Jeder ist sich selbst der Nächste? Geographische Reflexionen zur Veränderung von Nachbarschaft und Zuhause in Zeiten der Corona-Krise,” with P. Schulz, Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde, 94 (4), 2021, pp 300-316.

“Trust and the City: Analyzing Trust from a Socio-Spatial Perspective,” with U. Gerhard, in: G. Leypoldt & M. Berg (Eds.): Authority and Trust in US Culture and Society Interdisciplinary Approaches and Perspectives. Bielefeld: transcript, 2021, pp 111-134.

Positions and Projects

  • Member of the Radical Housing Journal editorial collective