Caroline Walter

Coordinator, DFG research training group Authority & Trust (GKAT)


Heidelberg Center for American Studies
Hauptstraße 120
69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 6221 543882

Office Hours

by appointment

Portrait picture von Caroline Walter


Caroline Walter is the coordinator of the DFG-graduate program Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History, and Politics at the HCA. In 2024, she graduated with a master’s degree in urban geography from the University of Heidelberg. She completed her bachelor's degree in American Studies in 2021. She works as a freelance moderator and is an active member of the Geography Department’s Feminist Geography group.

Areas of Specialization

  • Urban geography
  • Mobility studies, mobility justice
  • Qualitative research methods

Education & Employment

Since March 2024: Coordinator of DFG research training group Authority & Trust
2024: M.Sc. Urban Geography
2021: B.A. American Studies